DIY FeedMyPaws Recipe: Chicken Pancakes for dogs!

A super simple (this really is SUPER, SUPER easy!) 2 ingredient pancake recipe for dogs! No flour, no baking powder, just pure meaty goodness! This is a very flexible recipe, which means you can add any type of veggies, herbs, or meat that you like! It's a basic recipe with lots of freedom for creativity! The only thing you have to make sure of, is that the mixture is "liquid" enough (kinda like pancake batter), so that it'll make a nice, smooth pancake.


  • 150g Minced Chicken
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 tablespoons water (if needed)


Things to take note:

1. Use a NON-STICK PAN. This part is VERY important. With a regular pan, the pancakes are bound to stick, and you don't want to use extra oil that isn't needed in a dog's diet (extra oil = extra fat = possibility of soft poo, or in the long run, weight gain).

2. If the texture of your batter is very thick, just note that your pancakes will be pretty thick and will take a longer time to cook. That's totally okay of course! Just make sure it's cooked through and turn your heat down slightly so it doesn't burn :) I personally prefer a slightly smoother texture as it looks more like our regular pancakes :)

3. Looking to add "whipped cream"? Try a dollop of greek yoghurt!


ENJOY! Share your pictures with us on Instagram by tagging us @FeedMyPaws or using #feedmypaws and #feedmypawsrecipe, or Like our Facebook page :)

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Hi Angie! I’m so sorry for responding so late. You can drop me an email next time for a quicker response (there was an issue with the comments section for the past few months and all the comments only just came in today!). For storage, generally for meat based, I would recommend 2 days in the refrigerator, or up to 2 weeks in the freezer :)


Dear Crystal,

Thank you so much for all your fuss-free and easy-to-comprehend recipe videos/instructions. Regarding the Chicken Pancakes, recipe given makes 8 mini pancakes. I have a Mini Poodle (~7kg) and it’s impossible to have him finish all 8 mini pancakes in 1 day. May I please know the storage method/duration for the pancakes? Thanks :)

Angie Tan

Angie Tan

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