Feed My Paws Recipe: Dog-Friendly Swedish Meatballs & Strawberry Jam
Hi everyone! Here's a simple, DELICIOUS (I ate it while doing this shoot, haha!) recipe that's 100% dog-friendly!!! This is a 2-step recipe, that takes 30 minutes for seasoned cooks to prepare, and under an hour for new cooks :) Don't worry, it's all VERY easy to do!! First up, the recipe for Strawberry Jam!
Microwave-safe bowl
Blender (or a fork to mash everything up as smoothly as possible)
Microwave (if you don't have a microwave, you can cook this over a stove, I'll explain more below)
TIME: 10 MINUTES (or less)
My ingredients:
Step 1: Chop your strawberries up into little cubes
Step 2: Place them in a microwave-safe container or bowl (we just reused one of those plastic containers we have lying around) and add 1 TABLESPOON WATER
Step 3: Okay this part gets a little bit tricky, so just try to pay close attention to the timing and information :)
Microwave on High (800W for my microwave), for 1 MINUTE then remove your berries and STIR. It will look something like this:
Place it BACK in the Microwave on HIGH for 1 MORE MINUTE. Then remove, and STIR. It should look something like this (similar to the above, but with more liquid released from the berries):
Step 4: Place your berries in a blender and blend until smooth, or if you like, a little chunky :) If you don't have a blender, simple use a fork and mash away! Return your now blended (or mashed) berries to your microwave-safe container/bowl. It should look something like this:
Step 5: Another tricky part! Okay, since we're not using any sugar in our recipe, the only way for us to get thick jam is to essentially remove all the moisture from the berries. So return your bowl of mashed berries to the microwave, and follow this timing:
1. Microwave on HIGH (800W) for 1 minute, then remove, and STIR
Return to microwave
2. Microwave on HIGH (800W) for 30 seconds, then remove, and STIR
Return to microwave
3. Microwave on HIGH (800W) for 30 seconds, then remove, and STIR. YOU'RE DONE!
It should look like this:

Every microwave is different, but don't worry, as long as your jam starts to thicken (it definitely will), you're on the right path! Some microwaves might require a longer time, some less. Just be sure to remove, stir, and have a look (so it doesn't burn) :) Okay, so what to do if you don't have a microwave? CRY!!! I'm just kidding, haha. Take it all the way to step 2 (chopped up berries) and place in a small pot (preferably non-stick). Add your 1 TABLESPOON WATER. Heat up the berries until its liquids are released (as shown in above pictures). Then, either blend, or mash with a fork and return to your pot. Continue cooking over medium heat until jam thickens. That's it! :) This process might take up to 20 minutes :) Now, MOVING ON TO MEATBALLS!
INGREDIENTS:Â 250G MINCED BEEF (or pork, or chicken, or venison, or a mixture, pretty much any meat works, haha)
Non-stick pan (with cover)
TIME: 10 MINUTES (or less)
Step 1: Make little meatballs! 250G of meat got us 15 little meatballs :)
Step 2: Heat up your non-stick pan as hot as it'll go. We've gotta sear those little meatballs and give them some colour! ;) Once your pan is heated up, place your meatballs in one by one (be gentle! We didn't use any fillers, so the meatballs tend to be more fragile before cooking)
Once you see them getting some colour (about 2 minutes), flip them over:
Step 3: At this stage, add in 1 TABLESPOON OF WATER, and COVER. Cook for about 2 more minutes (the meatballs are pretty small, so they won't take long to cook) then remove from the pan. You'll be left with this DELICIOUS LIQUID:Â
Allow the liquid to reduce by HALF. Just keep the liquid boiling till you see only half of it left :) It should be darker, and thicker (not super thick, just thicker than before). At this point, REMOVE FROM THE STOVE and add A TEASPOON OF PLAIN YOGHURT. You'll get this! Uh huh, GRAVY!
Now all that's left to do, is PLATE UP!!! :D Oh wait, mashed potatoes. Oops. It's SUPER simple, so I didn't take any pictures, heh. Simply boil or steam one potato, and mash! :) Okay, now, TIME TO PLATE UP! Hehe.
Doesn't it look sooooo good?!?!? I have horrible plating skills to begin with plus I was so hungry I was more interested in eating it (technically this isn't even for me) so I hurried through the photoshoot, haha! Of course, before I got to steal some, I tried to get Hoovy and Skotch to pose with it. IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE. For starters, here's Hoovy barking at me because I said he has to sit, and NOT EAT. Someone wasn't happy #feedmehuman!
He finally sat in front of the plate, AND THEN PROCEEDED TO LOOK MISERABLE -_-
That's all kids! Hehe. I hope you guys try this recipe out!! If you do, tag us on Instagram (@FeedMyPaws) with the hashtag #feedmypawsrecipe or share a picture with us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/feedmypaws)! We’d love to see them! It's just a little encouragement to keep working on more dog-friendly recipes :) I hope all your doggies love it!! :)
Home made dog treats and pupcakes, Made in SingaporeÂ
 Hypoallergenic / Grain-Free / Senior Special / Tasty / Vegetarian / Pupcake / Dog Cake

1 comment
These look so yummy!! and your captions are hilarious! :D