The mega Mighty Milk Animal Cookies bake-off!!

This week was the week of Mighty Milk Animal Cookies haha! It seemed to be the number 1 thing we baked! Not complaining, they really are too cute!! Hehe! Mighty Milk Animal Cookies baking Mighty Milk Animal Cookies Mighty Milk Animal Cookies Mighty Milk Animal Cookies   I had a little extra dough on my hands so I decided to make little milk bones hehe. One of our very cute customers, @somewhitecookie (on Instagram) actually tried to bite one of these!! Hahaha. The result? She said she was really determined and managed to get one of the legs off hahaha! TOO CUTE!! If you have an funny experiences with our cookies, please do tell us! We'd love to hear about them! Hehe! Looking to get your hands on a pack of adorable Mighty Milk Animal Cookies? Click HERE! Did we mention they smell divine? Hehe! Home made dog treats and pupcakes, Made in Singapore ;)
Hypoallergenic / Grain-Free / Senior Special / Tasty / Vegetarian / Pupcake
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