DIY FeedMyPaws Recipe: Cream of Pumpkin Soup for dogs! (Part 1 of 3 course Steak Menu)
Hi everyone!
A 3 course Steak Meal has been highly requested by many of you on Instagram! So we decided, why not make 3 super simple recipes, so your pup can enjoy a steak dinner with you?? :D All 3 dishes have been sampled and approved by our furry board of directors (which basically consists of Skotch, Hoovy, and all the little kids we babysit haha) so we're confident you'll LOVE it!
Something a little extra: We've always used Goat's Milk in our treats, but imagine our joy when we discovered one of our favourite brands, The Honest Kitchen, now has individual packets of goat's milk, with added enzymes and probiotics!! YAY! Definitely beats the regular goat's milk we get hehe (we're a huge fan of probiotics, it's great for pups with more sensitive tummies, like our old man Skotch!). ShopYBF was very kind to offer us these yummy packs of goat's milk to use in our recipes, and we were told that instead of buying a regular box of 16, you can get a pack of 5 from them for a limited time! Click HERE to find out more :D
(FeedMyPaws is not paid by ShopYBF or The Honest Kitchen in the promotion of this item. Our boys have been consuming products from The Honest Kitchen for over a year, and we are very happy to promote a brand with trust!)
Okay, first up on the menu, Cream of Pumpkin Soup for dogs!
Ingredients List:
200g Pumpkin
1/2 pack (7g) of The Honest Kitchen Pro Bloom Instant Goat's Milk
Optional garnish: Fish Oil, Parsley
To prevent lumps of goat's milk, use a whisk and add it gradually to the soup while stirring.
Any leftover soup can be frozen, and kept for up to 2 weeks.
If you're reheating the soup, try not to let it reach a rolling boil (a gentle simmer will do), as it can cause the milk to separate from the soup, giving it an uneven colour (but don't worry, it's still perfectly edible!)
ENJOY! Share your pictures with us on Instagram by tagging us @FeedMyPaws or using #feedmypaws and #feedmypawsrecipe, or Like our Facebook page :)
Looking to order delicious, homemade cookies, cakes, and tarts? Hop on over to our website: :)
Keep up to date with our yummy dog-friendly recipes and dog sitting vlogs by subscribing to our YouTube channel! See you soon! :D