DIY FeedMyPaws Recipe: Bubur Cha Cha for dogs! (Part 3 of 3 course Steak menu)

Hi everyone! Here's a super simple, popular asian dessert recipe, just for doggies! All you need are 3 ingredients :)


  • 1 pack (14g) of ‘The Honest Kitchen’ Goat’s Milk
  • 50g cooked pumpkin (or sweet potato, or mix) cut into small cubes
  • 10g Chia Seeds (white or black, white looks more like sago)
  • 200ml water

This is best served immediately to prevent the milk and chia seed from clumping together and turning into a pudding :) Or if you prefer, leave it overnight in the fridge and have pudding instead! Hehe.

FeedMyPaws is NOT PAID to sponsor ShopYBF or The Honest Kitchen. ShopYBF was very kind to offer us these yummy packs of goat's milk per our request :) We were told that instead of buying a regular box of 16, you can get a pack of 5 from them for a limited time!

ENJOY! Share your pictures with us on Instagram by tagging us @FeedMyPaws or using #feedmypaws and #feedmypawsrecipe, or Like our Facebook page :)

Looking to order delicious, homemade cookies, cakes, and tarts? Hop on over to our website: :)

Keep up to date with our yummy dog-friendly recipes and dog sitting vlogs by subscribing to our YouTube channel! See you soon! :D

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