DIY FeedMyPaws Recipe: Pizza for dogs!
Hi everyone!
Here's a 6 ingredient flour-less pizza recipe just for dogs! :) While each step is very easy to do, it takes a rather long time because you do have to bake twice, and there's a fair bit of waiting time in between (which I say, is perfect for cuddling with your pup hehe). I got some feedback that the recipe videos are too fast paced, so I've slowed this one down! :)
Ingredients List (this makes 1 small pizza, enough for 2 dogs, assuming each dog weighs approx 5kg):
Pizza base:
- 200g Cauliflower
- 20g Grated Cheese
- 1 Egg Yolk
- 1 Carrot for sauce (mashed)
- Slices of yellow pepper (or other veg that is dog-friendly)
- Slices of pork (or any meat/fish you like)
- 10g Grated Cheese
Few things to take note:
You must, must, MUST, drain as much liquid as you can from the cauliflower after cooking it. I cannot stress this enough! If you skip this crucial step, your pizza will end up VERY mushy, and more like mashed potatoes that fall apart (believe me, I tried skipping that step, haha).
I don't recommend tomatoes for dogs, hence I've given tomato sauce a miss, and decided to go with carrot :) You can use sweet potato or pumpkin puree! Best made from scratch though, so you know what's in it :)
The toppings can be made up of anything your pup likes! Just make sure it's dog-friendly ;)
ENJOY! Share your pictures with us on Instagram by tagging us @FeedMyPaws or using #feedmypaws and #feedmypawsrecipe, or Like our Facebook page :)
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Hi Jenny, most brands of cheddar cheese you find in the supermarket that are for human consumption are perfectly okay to use.
what brand of cheese suitable for doggy