DIY FeedMyPaws Recipe: Fried Rice for Doggies

Welcome to our first ever recipe on FeedMyPaws! We've decided to start doing simple, homemade recipes that you can prepare easily for your dogs at home! ;) We cook for our dogs on a daily basis, and even though we tend to rotate the recipes quite frequently, we figured we might just inspire you to create something different for your little one. Of course, this will in turn inspire us to come up with more awesome recipes! Feel free to substitute any form of meat or veggies for all our recipes, it's all about what your dog loves. Try to use ingredients that are as natural as possible, remember, you are what you eat! :D Here goes! IMG_20140709_182120   Ingredients:
  • 200g minced pork
  • 80g cooked white rice or brown rice (leftovers from dinner the night before, if refrigerated, is totally okay!)
  • 50g finely grated vegetables (we used pumpkin and sweet potato in this recipe)
  • 1 egg
  1. Heat up your non-stick pan (we use a non-stick pan because no oil is used in this recipe)
  2. Add in 200g minced pork and stir fry until pork is no longer pink, stirring constantly
  3. Add in vegetables and continue frying, stirring constantly for about 3-5 minutes
  4. Push minced pork and vegetables aside in the pan, and leave a small space to crack your egg. Scramble the egg, then continue frying with minced pork and vegetables for about 2 minutes.
  5. Add in cooked white rice and mix everything together and stir-fry for another 3 minutes.
  6. Leave to cool slightly before serving.
Easy peasy right! For videos on our dogs enjoying this delicious fried rice, check out our Instagram page @FeedMyPaws or our Facebook page :) If you decide to create this recipe, don't forget to share a picture with us! We'd love to see it! :) (Leftover fried rice can be frozen for a week, or kept in the fridge for next day's consumption) Home made dog treats and pupcakes, Made in Singapore ;) Hypoallergenic / Grain-Free / Senior Special / Tasty / Vegetarian / Pupcake / Dog Cake
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